Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh Gnome

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Michael Jackson - Stencil Art


This stencil sticker appeared on an industrial bin in the neigbourhood within days of Micheal Jackson's death. I'm glad I got this pic. as someone liked it so much it was flogged as quickly as it appeared. Left the rest, just lifted the MJ stencil......bastards!
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R.I.P. Dennis Hopper


His scenes in Blue Velvet doing the oxygen mask routine with Isabella Rossilini was a creep out classic.
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Op Shop Find of the Week# 531





Cool for summer. I found a soda syphon, complete, mint condition, instrusction booklet and retro artwork box.
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Koo Koo


One of the neighbourhood burras.
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Off Stanley St


Flicking through photos. What's good? What's crap? What's that?
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Some 80's. Sharp hair.

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